Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I've Moved!

If you're looking for me, I'm no longer here!

Head over to my website which now has my new blog. Change your favorite settings to http://www.deecarney.com/blog.

Thanks for keeping up with me! God knows what might happen if someone doesn't do it.

Dagnubbit!! I've been tagged!

Darn Kris Eton. Anyway, I'm supposed to write seven random things about myself and then tag five other people. Here goes:

1. I'm cheap as hell. I won't spend more than $20 for a pair of pants. (I can usually get add a shirt to the mix and still stay under $20.)

2. Having made it almost thirty-four years without seeing a dead person (never even attended a funeral), I've had three patients die in the last three weeks. (And no, I didn't kill them. Oncology unit. Nuff said.)

3. I hate my toes.

4. My mouth is itching right now because I just ate some raw carrots in my salad - which I'm allergic to.

5. Before I became published, I used to read four to five books a week. Now I'm reading one book a month. Sometimes.

6. I collect shot glasses from states I've visited.

7. Speaking of visiting, I hate to travel, but often do it for work.

There. Happy?

I'm tagging: Deanna Lee, Ava Rose Johnson, Celia Kyle, Ericka Scott and P. Andrews.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Fisherman (PG-13)

I've been working like a dog and I'm tired as all get out.

Oh wait. Y'all not from the South? That's how we speak down here. Anyway, since I haven't posted in a while and I'm too brain-fuzzied to think about anything clever right now, I'm leaving you with a bit of eye candy.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Nightmares! Oh My!

For the past two nights I've had a doozy of a dream - part I and part II. You know, the kind of dream that when you finally wake up, you can feel your heart hammering in your chest. The kind that makes you wonder if you'll be able to fall back asleep...EVER. In very loose terms, it was similar to those old "Invasion of the Body Snatcher" type movies. And in my dreams, hardly anyone makes it out alive. Heck. I can't remember if I make it out alive. lol.

Make lemonade out of lemons I always say.

I've jotted down the basic premise for a story based on those dreams. Somehow I'll try to turn the adrenaline rush into something sexy too. We'll see what we see. Right now, I have so many story ideas running around my little brain that my fingers can't keep up with the necessary typing. And this from the person who only a few days ago couldn't find the motivation to write. Such is life.

And on a personal note, if you're an adult who is told that you need braces, of course, by all means get them. But if your orthodontist tells you it will only be for two years - HE LIES. June of '08 marks three years that I've had these suckers on. But the good news is that June 3rd of this year, these puppies are coming off!! Oh yeah!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Dry Spell

It's been seven days since I've written anything. True...I like to take a break in between writing projects, but during that break I'm usually brewing something in my mind towards a new story. This time? Zip. Nada. Nothing.

I think it has to do with the fact that I've left the comfort of working 50 to 60 hours a week doing my day-time job. Now, I'm down to about 30 hours a week and it's freaky. I have all of this spare time! You would think that I would use it to write, but noooo, not me. My days are filled with sudoku and finding dust bunnies in the oddest places.

Someone come along and prod me into action, would ya?

Any way, two bits of news: One - Kris Eton will be interviewing me on her blog April 28th. Come on over and check out what I have to say. Two - New contest! Everyone who is signed up for my monthly (and I do mean monthly!!) newsletter by May 15th will be entered into a drawing for a $10 gift certificate to Cobblestone Press. If you haven't signed up yet, get moving!

Hmm. I think I just spotted another dust bunny. Die, rabbit, die!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Good things come in threes

Of course, by now you know that Soldier released this past Friday. And you also know that I received a contract for Career Opportunities. Well, yesterday, I received another contract for The Fallen!!

The Fallen will be released by Cobblestone Press under their Wicked erotica line. It is a very, very dark tale about a fallen angel who seduces a woman into doing some things she normally would not do. The ending is so wickedly corrupt that I have plans to write a sequel just to try to redeem our dark "hero". If you're looking for sweet, this ain't the story for you.

And speaking of dark, do you think that what a writer prefers to write about is in line with their true personality? I've been vowing to edit a Christmas romance for weeks now and I cannot seem to find the mood to do so. Instead, I am finding ways to twist current works in progress into stories that make your eyebrows shoot up. I added two sentences to Dark Forest Nights before I subbed it that echo in my mind still. Pure evil, I tell ya.

I guess it's like when you get in the mood for one of those movies that make you pull out a box of Kleenex and you consciously choose to watch it, knowing what kind of blubbering mess it'll make you. Right now, my train of thought has entered strange and forbidden woods. You might want to bring along a flashlight and a weapon if you care to ride.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Writing Growth

Last night I subbed Dark Forest Nights to a new publisher as I said I would. An additional 2,200 words were added to my original manuscript. By the time I was done with it, I couldn't have been more pleased.

Reading it over made me realize how much I have learned in the months since I first submitted Soldier to Cobblestone. In fact, I think I might have to become like some of those actors who don't watch their own movies....I won't read my stories once they're published. I don't want to cringe over something I didn't know back when I originally submitted it. Then again, that may mean that I never get to read my stories again.

Face it. We're always learning something new.

And the best part about learning during this process has been the number of authors who have been willing to help me along the way. This list is by no means inclusive (so if I forgot you, I'm sorry!!!!!!!) but thanks to (in no particular order!!!) Moira Rogers, Cassandra Moore, Moira Reid, Tess Harrison, Tierney O'Malley, Ava Rose Johnson, Kris Eton, L. Shannon and Devin Govaere...and so many others who have poked, prodded and dragged my writing into something better. And of course, thanks to Deanna Lee and Sable Grey for giving me my first start.

Jeez. When did this turn into the Oscars? lol