Wednesday, October 31, 2007

You know what blows? Being sleepy at 9:12 pm...just under three hours away from NaNoWriMo 2007 officially starting. Ah. The tribulations of getting older. lol. I'm only 33. But some days...some days!

Before this recent bout of sleepiness, I had planned on staying up and writing at 12:01 am. I guess I'll just try to get up early tomorrow and start then. C'est la vie. I am excited to say that I've ordered an old version of Alphasmart on Ebay. I have a trip to Atlanta this weekend and I'm trying to convince the seller to send it to me by Friday so that I'm on my way to typing up a great story (instead of handwriting it and then typing it up). Hopefully, I can get it sometime soon!

Wish me well!

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