Thursday, March 20, 2008

I've been a naughty blogger. I can't believe five days have passed since I've given any sort of an update. Well. Actually, I can. Sorry folks. Spring allergies are here and I'm miserable.

To make up for it, I'm going to announce the contest that my newsletter subscribers already know about. Oh? You didn't know already? Hmmm...perhaps you should register too.

As I was saying, since March is my birthday month, here's how it's gonna work...

All you have to do is visit my blog any time during the month of March and leave a comment. On March 31st, I will draw a name from the commentors. The lucky winner will receive a Cobblestone Press gift certificate, a signed copy of the cover to Soldier and some adult goodies *wink, wink* for a romantic evening at home. A second way to enter is have a friend sign up for my newsletter . I'll enter not only that person's name, but yours as a referral! Make certain they let me know you sent them! Also, I'll be guest blogging at Cobblestone Press on March 26th. Look for me! Because I'm cool that way, I'll even count comments left with that post towards my contest.

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