If you're looking for me, I'm no longer here!
Head over to my website which now has my new blog. Change your favorite settings to http://www.deecarney.com/blog.
Thanks for keeping up with me! God knows what might happen if someone doesn't do it.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Dagnubbit!! I've been tagged!
Darn Kris Eton. Anyway, I'm supposed to write seven random things about myself and then tag five other people. Here goes:
1. I'm cheap as hell. I won't spend more than $20 for a pair of pants. (I can usually get add a shirt to the mix and still stay under $20.)
2. Having made it almost thirty-four years without seeing a dead person (never even attended a funeral), I've had three patients die in the last three weeks. (And no, I didn't kill them. Oncology unit. Nuff said.)
3. I hate my toes.
4. My mouth is itching right now because I just ate some raw carrots in my salad - which I'm allergic to.
5. Before I became published, I used to read four to five books a week. Now I'm reading one book a month. Sometimes.
6. I collect shot glasses from states I've visited.
7. Speaking of visiting, I hate to travel, but often do it for work.
There. Happy?
I'm tagging: Deanna Lee, Ava Rose Johnson, Celia Kyle, Ericka Scott and P. Andrews.
1. I'm cheap as hell. I won't spend more than $20 for a pair of pants. (I can usually get add a shirt to the mix and still stay under $20.)
2. Having made it almost thirty-four years without seeing a dead person (never even attended a funeral), I've had three patients die in the last three weeks. (And no, I didn't kill them. Oncology unit. Nuff said.)
3. I hate my toes.
4. My mouth is itching right now because I just ate some raw carrots in my salad - which I'm allergic to.
5. Before I became published, I used to read four to five books a week. Now I'm reading one book a month. Sometimes.
6. I collect shot glasses from states I've visited.
7. Speaking of visiting, I hate to travel, but often do it for work.
There. Happy?
I'm tagging: Deanna Lee, Ava Rose Johnson, Celia Kyle, Ericka Scott and P. Andrews.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
The Fisherman (PG-13)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Nightmares! Oh My!
For the past two nights I've had a doozy of a dream - part I and part II. You know, the kind of dream that when you finally wake up, you can feel your heart hammering in your chest. The kind that makes you wonder if you'll be able to fall back asleep...EVER. In very loose terms, it was similar to those old "Invasion of the Body Snatcher" type movies. And in my dreams, hardly anyone makes it out alive. Heck. I can't remember if I make it out alive. lol.
Make lemonade out of lemons I always say.
I've jotted down the basic premise for a story based on those dreams. Somehow I'll try to turn the adrenaline rush into something sexy too. We'll see what we see. Right now, I have so many story ideas running around my little brain that my fingers can't keep up with the necessary typing. And this from the person who only a few days ago couldn't find the motivation to write. Such is life.
And on a personal note, if you're an adult who is told that you need braces, of course, by all means get them. But if your orthodontist tells you it will only be for two years - HE LIES. June of '08 marks three years that I've had these suckers on. But the good news is that June 3rd of this year, these puppies are coming off!! Oh yeah!
Make lemonade out of lemons I always say.
I've jotted down the basic premise for a story based on those dreams. Somehow I'll try to turn the adrenaline rush into something sexy too. We'll see what we see. Right now, I have so many story ideas running around my little brain that my fingers can't keep up with the necessary typing. And this from the person who only a few days ago couldn't find the motivation to write. Such is life.
And on a personal note, if you're an adult who is told that you need braces, of course, by all means get them. But if your orthodontist tells you it will only be for two years - HE LIES. June of '08 marks three years that I've had these suckers on. But the good news is that June 3rd of this year, these puppies are coming off!! Oh yeah!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Dry Spell
It's been seven days since I've written anything. True...I like to take a break in between writing projects, but during that break I'm usually brewing something in my mind towards a new story. This time? Zip. Nada. Nothing.
I think it has to do with the fact that I've left the comfort of working 50 to 60 hours a week doing my day-time job. Now, I'm down to about 30 hours a week and it's freaky. I have all of this spare time! You would think that I would use it to write, but noooo, not me. My days are filled with sudoku and finding dust bunnies in the oddest places.
Someone come along and prod me into action, would ya?
Any way, two bits of news: One - Kris Eton will be interviewing me on her blog April 28th. Come on over and check out what I have to say. Two - New contest! Everyone who is signed up for my monthly (and I do mean monthly!!) newsletter by May 15th will be entered into a drawing for a $10 gift certificate to Cobblestone Press. If you haven't signed up yet, get moving!
Hmm. I think I just spotted another dust bunny. Die, rabbit, die!
I think it has to do with the fact that I've left the comfort of working 50 to 60 hours a week doing my day-time job. Now, I'm down to about 30 hours a week and it's freaky. I have all of this spare time! You would think that I would use it to write, but noooo, not me. My days are filled with sudoku and finding dust bunnies in the oddest places.
Someone come along and prod me into action, would ya?
Any way, two bits of news: One - Kris Eton will be interviewing me on her blog April 28th. Come on over and check out what I have to say. Two - New contest! Everyone who is signed up for my monthly (and I do mean monthly!!) newsletter by May 15th will be entered into a drawing for a $10 gift certificate to Cobblestone Press. If you haven't signed up yet, get moving!
Hmm. I think I just spotted another dust bunny. Die, rabbit, die!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Good things come in threes
Of course, by now you know that Soldier released this past Friday. And you also know that I received a contract for Career Opportunities. Well, yesterday, I received another contract for The Fallen!!
The Fallen will be released by Cobblestone Press under their Wicked erotica line. It is a very, very dark tale about a fallen angel who seduces a woman into doing some things she normally would not do. The ending is so wickedly corrupt that I have plans to write a sequel just to try to redeem our dark "hero". If you're looking for sweet, this ain't the story for you.
And speaking of dark, do you think that what a writer prefers to write about is in line with their true personality? I've been vowing to edit a Christmas romance for weeks now and I cannot seem to find the mood to do so. Instead, I am finding ways to twist current works in progress into stories that make your eyebrows shoot up. I added two sentences to Dark Forest Nights before I subbed it that echo in my mind still. Pure evil, I tell ya.
I guess it's like when you get in the mood for one of those movies that make you pull out a box of Kleenex and you consciously choose to watch it, knowing what kind of blubbering mess it'll make you. Right now, my train of thought has entered strange and forbidden woods. You might want to bring along a flashlight and a weapon if you care to ride.
The Fallen will be released by Cobblestone Press under their Wicked erotica line. It is a very, very dark tale about a fallen angel who seduces a woman into doing some things she normally would not do. The ending is so wickedly corrupt that I have plans to write a sequel just to try to redeem our dark "hero". If you're looking for sweet, this ain't the story for you.
And speaking of dark, do you think that what a writer prefers to write about is in line with their true personality? I've been vowing to edit a Christmas romance for weeks now and I cannot seem to find the mood to do so. Instead, I am finding ways to twist current works in progress into stories that make your eyebrows shoot up. I added two sentences to Dark Forest Nights before I subbed it that echo in my mind still. Pure evil, I tell ya.
I guess it's like when you get in the mood for one of those movies that make you pull out a box of Kleenex and you consciously choose to watch it, knowing what kind of blubbering mess it'll make you. Right now, my train of thought has entered strange and forbidden woods. You might want to bring along a flashlight and a weapon if you care to ride.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Writing Growth
Last night I subbed Dark Forest Nights to a new publisher as I said I would. An additional 2,200 words were added to my original manuscript. By the time I was done with it, I couldn't have been more pleased.
Reading it over made me realize how much I have learned in the months since I first submitted Soldier to Cobblestone. In fact, I think I might have to become like some of those actors who don't watch their own movies....I won't read my stories once they're published. I don't want to cringe over something I didn't know back when I originally submitted it. Then again, that may mean that I never get to read my stories again.
Face it. We're always learning something new.
And the best part about learning during this process has been the number of authors who have been willing to help me along the way. This list is by no means inclusive (so if I forgot you, I'm sorry!!!!!!!) but thanks to (in no particular order!!!) Moira Rogers, Cassandra Moore, Moira Reid, Tess Harrison, Tierney O'Malley, Ava Rose Johnson, Kris Eton, L. Shannon and Devin Govaere...and so many others who have poked, prodded and dragged my writing into something better. And of course, thanks to Deanna Lee and Sable Grey for giving me my first start.
Jeez. When did this turn into the Oscars? lol
Reading it over made me realize how much I have learned in the months since I first submitted Soldier to Cobblestone. In fact, I think I might have to become like some of those actors who don't watch their own movies....I won't read my stories once they're published. I don't want to cringe over something I didn't know back when I originally submitted it. Then again, that may mean that I never get to read my stories again.
Face it. We're always learning something new.
And the best part about learning during this process has been the number of authors who have been willing to help me along the way. This list is by no means inclusive (so if I forgot you, I'm sorry!!!!!!!) but thanks to (in no particular order!!!) Moira Rogers, Cassandra Moore, Moira Reid, Tess Harrison, Tierney O'Malley, Ava Rose Johnson, Kris Eton, L. Shannon and Devin Govaere...and so many others who have poked, prodded and dragged my writing into something better. And of course, thanks to Deanna Lee and Sable Grey for giving me my first start.
Jeez. When did this turn into the Oscars? lol
Friday, April 11, 2008
It's Official!!
I'm a published author, y'all! *Snoopy Dance!!* It's some ungodly hour of the morning and I just received my author package for Soldier. If I do say so myself, it's gorgeous!! Sometime within the next two hours or so, it will actually be available for purchase on Cobblestone's web site.
Of course, tonight at the online release party starting at 8pm EST I'll be sure to give away a free copy. So set your clocks and be there!
Ok. I think I've just petered out. lol. Being excited takes a lot of energy. I will say that prior to the email, I was revising Dark Forest Nights for submission to another publisher. It was rejected earlier this month for er - let's say questionable content. I'm fixing that now and hopefully will send it out tomorrow or Saturday. I just need to add another 800 words.
But before I do that, let me gather my strength for just...one...more....
Of course, tonight at the online release party starting at 8pm EST I'll be sure to give away a free copy. So set your clocks and be there!
Ok. I think I've just petered out. lol. Being excited takes a lot of energy. I will say that prior to the email, I was revising Dark Forest Nights for submission to another publisher. It was rejected earlier this month for er - let's say questionable content. I'm fixing that now and hopefully will send it out tomorrow or Saturday. I just need to add another 800 words.
But before I do that, let me gather my strength for just...one...more....
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
New Blog Design
If you're viewing my actual blog right now, you had to have noticed the changes. I spent an insane amount of time today trying to find a new layout that I liked and that worked. Key word that: "worked". Anyhoo, here it is in all it's splendor and glory. I'm still trying to decide if I like it. I adore the layout. I hated that you used to have to scroll *all the way down* to find anything useful on my old blog. This one has everything laid out nice and neat off to the right. My biggest issue though is the actual design. Although it's pretty, it's so, well, bright. Even after four cups of coffee, I'm not this bright. If you remember my old blog, drop in and let me know what you think of this one.
In the meanwhile, I'll be looking for my shades.
In the meanwhile, I'll be looking for my shades.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Final Countdown to Soldier
Yep. We're in the home stretch! This Friday, April 11th, 2008, you can purchase my debut novella; Soldier will be released by Cobblestone Press in six days! I received the good news that they wanted it on Christmas day and not even six months later, dream turns into reality. How cool is that?
If you want to learn more about the story, come chat with me at Cobblestone Press this Friday at 8pm EST. Simply go to http://www.cobblestone-press.com/chat.html. Strong warning up front and the disclaimer is there before you enter: the content of the chat DOES become very adult in nature. Those who are faint of heart should not enter! (For example, I think last night was an all-time record. It took 35 minutes for someone (moi!) to mention the word c*ck. That usually happens within five minutes. lol.) I'll be giving away a free copy of Soldier that night and there is usually at least one other give away done.
And speaking of adult in nature, I've also sold Career Opportunities by Morgan Sierra to Cobblestone. It's an erotica for their Wicked line. I posted an unedited excerpt for it on this blog some time back, but if you want to see it again, go to my website under the Morgan Sierra page.
Yes - I'm slowly but surely getting there, folks!
If you want to learn more about the story, come chat with me at Cobblestone Press this Friday at 8pm EST. Simply go to http://www.cobblestone-press.com/chat.html. Strong warning up front and the disclaimer is there before you enter: the content of the chat DOES become very adult in nature. Those who are faint of heart should not enter! (For example, I think last night was an all-time record. It took 35 minutes for someone (moi!) to mention the word c*ck. That usually happens within five minutes. lol.) I'll be giving away a free copy of Soldier that night and there is usually at least one other give away done.
And speaking of adult in nature, I've also sold Career Opportunities by Morgan Sierra to Cobblestone. It's an erotica for their Wicked line. I posted an unedited excerpt for it on this blog some time back, but if you want to see it again, go to my website under the Morgan Sierra page.
Yes - I'm slowly but surely getting there, folks!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Contest Winner!
Thanks to all who entered my March blog contest. Congratulations to Malice Blackheart for winning a Cobblestone Press gift certificate, a signed copy of the cover to Soldier (releasing April 11, 2008), and some adult goodies for a romantic evening at home. Malice, send an email to dee@deecarney.com with your email and snail mail addresses and I'll get those out to you! Stay tuned for future contests!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Keyboards On Fire!
When inspiration hits, I suppose that's exactly what happens. Your keyboard can suddenly explode under the fury of your fingers. Or...you could simply be reading a blog from two erotic romance authors, Moira Reed and Samara King.
While procrastinating my writing this weekend, I happened to spending some time IMing with Moira. She, in turn, used some of that conversation to post about voyages. Check it out. I sound cute. lol.
While procrastinating my writing this weekend, I happened to spending some time IMing with Moira. She, in turn, used some of that conversation to post about voyages. Check it out. I sound cute. lol.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
I've been a naughty blogger. I can't believe five days have passed since I've given any sort of an update. Well. Actually, I can. Sorry folks. Spring allergies are here and I'm miserable.
To make up for it, I'm going to announce the contest that my newsletter subscribers already know about. Oh? You didn't know already? Hmmm...perhaps you should register too.
As I was saying, since March is my birthday month, here's how it's gonna work...
All you have to do is visit my blog any time during the month of March and leave a comment. On March 31st, I will draw a name from the commentors. The lucky winner will receive a Cobblestone Press gift certificate, a signed copy of the cover to Soldier and some adult goodies *wink, wink* for a romantic evening at home. A second way to enter is have a friend sign up for my newsletter . I'll enter not only that person's name, but yours as a referral! Make certain they let me know you sent them! Also, I'll be guest blogging at Cobblestone Press on March 26th. Look for me! Because I'm cool that way, I'll even count comments left with that post towards my contest.
To make up for it, I'm going to announce the contest that my newsletter subscribers already know about. Oh? You didn't know already? Hmmm...perhaps you should register too.
As I was saying, since March is my birthday month, here's how it's gonna work...
All you have to do is visit my blog any time during the month of March and leave a comment. On March 31st, I will draw a name from the commentors. The lucky winner will receive a Cobblestone Press gift certificate, a signed copy of the cover to Soldier and some adult goodies *wink, wink* for a romantic evening at home. A second way to enter is have a friend sign up for my newsletter . I'll enter not only that person's name, but yours as a referral! Make certain they let me know you sent them! Also, I'll be guest blogging at Cobblestone Press on March 26th. Look for me! Because I'm cool that way, I'll even count comments left with that post towards my contest.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
I can't remember who said it, but someone recently told me that she likes to write spicy scenes in public because it serves people who like to read over her shoulders right. How funny is that? Well, below is the excerpt I wrote for Primal 2: Origins while on the airplane Wednesday. And yes, the guy next to me stole not-so-sly glances at it as I was writing.
“You’ve been given the capability to do so much more. It’s up to you.”
Bryce’s voice was full of the calm assurance Celeste had come to associate with him. His was the voice and reason and confidence that she could not find in herself. She wanted to listen to those words and absorb them into herself. A quick glance into the depths of his blue eyes sent a jolt of lighting through her. Celeste recognized something primal and certain there that her body responded to.
She needed space. Room to breathe. To think. With a step backwards, she murmured, “You and Ben. You’re both so different. I – I just don’t know.”
“What can I do to help?” Again that confidence. Celeste loved these moments of soft gentleness that peaked through his gruff exterior. Her heart picked up its pace.
She took another step backwards, realizing that he had again closed the gap between their bodies. She swallowed hard. “I don’t know Bryce. I just need some more time.”
“Time for what?” Another step brought Bryce closer. The air was heavy with the scent of his masculinity. Celeste found herself almost panting in her need to be rid of his aura clouding her senses.
“To choose,” she murmured. Another step, this one smaller than the last. Perhaps he wouldn’t notice the way she avoided his eyes.
“Choose?” Another step to close the gap. Damn he was good.
“Which one of you. I just can’t decide between the two of you.” She ran a hand through her hair and saw Bryce’s gaze follow the motion.
From behind her, came the soft sounds of Ben’s voice. “Who says you have to choose only one of us?”
Celeste’s head snapped up at his words, her breath caught in her throat. How could she have forgotten that he was there? Quiet as a thief in the fucking night, he was.
Wide-eyed, Celeste turned to Bryce for help. His eyes were hooded though, raw desire piercing through her. “No need to choose,” he said. “Love us both.”
His words startled Celeste into taking the last step away from him – the step that pressed her back against Ben. As Bryce closed the distance between their bodies again, she felt Ben’s cool lips come to rest on her neck, sparking an instant flame there. At the same moment, Bryce leaned forward and brought his mouth down on hers.
Celeste’s mind whirled at the sensation of both men as they touched her, each place singed by their lips. The longer their mouths lingered on her skin, the more fuel that she was thrown onto the conflagration.
Ben was peppering her bare neck and shoulders, his hands holding both sides of her waist. Bryce, true to his take charge personality, was running the tip of his tongue along her lips. Celeste released a small whimper, part in protest and part in longing, but made no move to stop either man.
Instead, her left hand sought where Ben gripped her waist with such possessiveness. The other arm wrapped around Bryce’s neck and pulled him closer.
God. What am I doing?
As if in answer to her unspoken question, Ben slid his calloused fingers over her hand, entwining his fingers with hers. He dragged her limp hand over the fly of his pants, grazing the erection filling the front.
Celeste didn’t know what it was – this evidence of his desire for her or it could have been the feel of Bryce’s thumb sliding over the swell of her breast – but whatever the cause, her mind finally rebelled. She pulled away from Bryce, eliciting a grunt of disapproval from him. Frantically, Celeste searched Bryce’s face.
“I can’t!” she cried.
As soon as the words left her mouth, Ben pulled himself away from her grasp. Fingers that no longer seemed under her control were itching to find him again.
There was a self-satisfied grin on Bryce’s face as if he had been waiting for her protest.
“Yes, you can – ” Bryce demanded. Despite the grim expression displayed on his face, his one-sided smile was seductive and as usual, confident.
“– and we will wait until the moment you agree too,” his brother finished for him.
Heart hammering in her chest, Celeste dared a glance at Ben. His face was as flushed as she knew hers must have been. She felt like her legs would collapse at any moment. The feeling that one or both of them might have caught her if she fell was the only thing that kept her upright.
“You’ve been given the capability to do so much more. It’s up to you.”
Bryce’s voice was full of the calm assurance Celeste had come to associate with him. His was the voice and reason and confidence that she could not find in herself. She wanted to listen to those words and absorb them into herself. A quick glance into the depths of his blue eyes sent a jolt of lighting through her. Celeste recognized something primal and certain there that her body responded to.
She needed space. Room to breathe. To think. With a step backwards, she murmured, “You and Ben. You’re both so different. I – I just don’t know.”
“What can I do to help?” Again that confidence. Celeste loved these moments of soft gentleness that peaked through his gruff exterior. Her heart picked up its pace.
She took another step backwards, realizing that he had again closed the gap between their bodies. She swallowed hard. “I don’t know Bryce. I just need some more time.”
“Time for what?” Another step brought Bryce closer. The air was heavy with the scent of his masculinity. Celeste found herself almost panting in her need to be rid of his aura clouding her senses.
“To choose,” she murmured. Another step, this one smaller than the last. Perhaps he wouldn’t notice the way she avoided his eyes.
“Choose?” Another step to close the gap. Damn he was good.
“Which one of you. I just can’t decide between the two of you.” She ran a hand through her hair and saw Bryce’s gaze follow the motion.
From behind her, came the soft sounds of Ben’s voice. “Who says you have to choose only one of us?”
Celeste’s head snapped up at his words, her breath caught in her throat. How could she have forgotten that he was there? Quiet as a thief in the fucking night, he was.
Wide-eyed, Celeste turned to Bryce for help. His eyes were hooded though, raw desire piercing through her. “No need to choose,” he said. “Love us both.”
His words startled Celeste into taking the last step away from him – the step that pressed her back against Ben. As Bryce closed the distance between their bodies again, she felt Ben’s cool lips come to rest on her neck, sparking an instant flame there. At the same moment, Bryce leaned forward and brought his mouth down on hers.
Celeste’s mind whirled at the sensation of both men as they touched her, each place singed by their lips. The longer their mouths lingered on her skin, the more fuel that she was thrown onto the conflagration.
Ben was peppering her bare neck and shoulders, his hands holding both sides of her waist. Bryce, true to his take charge personality, was running the tip of his tongue along her lips. Celeste released a small whimper, part in protest and part in longing, but made no move to stop either man.
Instead, her left hand sought where Ben gripped her waist with such possessiveness. The other arm wrapped around Bryce’s neck and pulled him closer.
God. What am I doing?
As if in answer to her unspoken question, Ben slid his calloused fingers over her hand, entwining his fingers with hers. He dragged her limp hand over the fly of his pants, grazing the erection filling the front.
Celeste didn’t know what it was – this evidence of his desire for her or it could have been the feel of Bryce’s thumb sliding over the swell of her breast – but whatever the cause, her mind finally rebelled. She pulled away from Bryce, eliciting a grunt of disapproval from him. Frantically, Celeste searched Bryce’s face.
“I can’t!” she cried.
As soon as the words left her mouth, Ben pulled himself away from her grasp. Fingers that no longer seemed under her control were itching to find him again.
There was a self-satisfied grin on Bryce’s face as if he had been waiting for her protest.
“Yes, you can – ” Bryce demanded. Despite the grim expression displayed on his face, his one-sided smile was seductive and as usual, confident.
“– and we will wait until the moment you agree too,” his brother finished for him.
Heart hammering in her chest, Celeste dared a glance at Ben. His face was as flushed as she knew hers must have been. She felt like her legs would collapse at any moment. The feeling that one or both of them might have caught her if she fell was the only thing that kept her upright.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
If this post makes absolutely no sense today, it's because the double-whammy of daylight savings time and jet lag is killing me! Where have I been, you ask? My answer: I flew to Austin, Texas for a two day conference for my company. Worth the intolerable fatigue I'm going through right now? My answer: No.
Since it's my unofficial New Year's resolution (I don't do those stupid things), I will try to find something sunny about the trip to say. I've come up with two things: (1) downtown Austin is cute. After a to-remain-nameless airline company effin' ruined my luggage and I had nothing to bring my clothing back home in, I wandered around that area looking for a suitable substitute. Found one. As I searched, I also came across about six trillion bars along the way. If I hadn't been by myself - walking, no less - I would have stayed to enjoy the night life.
(2) The second thing was that during the lulls of the conference, I set my creative brain to work. Thanks to my friend Shannon (of L. Shannon), I stole her idea of coming up with a book of plot ideas that I could pull from at a moment's notice. I did that, plus one or two better. I came up with the entire plot line for Soldier 2, Primal 2 and a rockin' excerpt for Primal 2, which will be menage-based. (I'll post what I wrote another time.)
Back to DST...did you know that when the geniuses decided to extend it by four weeks, it was discovered that it actually consumes more energy and not less like they had tried to sell us on? Grrrr. And let's not forget the havoc it's playing on my sleep cycle.
Since it's my unofficial New Year's resolution (I don't do those stupid things), I will try to find something sunny about the trip to say. I've come up with two things: (1) downtown Austin is cute. After a to-remain-nameless airline company effin' ruined my luggage and I had nothing to bring my clothing back home in, I wandered around that area looking for a suitable substitute. Found one. As I searched, I also came across about six trillion bars along the way. If I hadn't been by myself - walking, no less - I would have stayed to enjoy the night life.
(2) The second thing was that during the lulls of the conference, I set my creative brain to work. Thanks to my friend Shannon (of L. Shannon), I stole her idea of coming up with a book of plot ideas that I could pull from at a moment's notice. I did that, plus one or two better. I came up with the entire plot line for Soldier 2, Primal 2 and a rockin' excerpt for Primal 2, which will be menage-based. (I'll post what I wrote another time.)
Back to DST...did you know that when the geniuses decided to extend it by four weeks, it was discovered that it actually consumes more energy and not less like they had tried to sell us on? Grrrr. And let's not forget the havoc it's playing on my sleep cycle.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
FINISHED! Well...I should amend that draft 1 of Primal: The Summoning is done. It's a lot shorter than I had originally intended, but I think the 16K word count gets what needs to be done, done. I'll send it out to one or two beta readers before diving in for revisions. Because it's meant to be book one of a series, the ending leaves the reader with a lot of questions. But they'll be answered in book 2!
While I'm here, I also want to be sure to let you all know about a great series that I've recently had the opportunity and great fortune to read. L. Shannon writes about Tascryn Demons - think vampires - and I've read books one through three. THEY ARE FABULOUS! The latest book in the series in Walking at Sundown and is available now from Cobblestone Press. Do not let this series pass you up. The scenes are incredibly hot and leave you wanting for more. Let's see...there's a shower scene, a tub scene, menage, BDSM...I don't think there's anything she doesn't explore. While you can read Walking at Sundown by itself, I would highly recommend getting the two books before it: Walking with Synn and Walking in Memories. They are worth it!All of the links posted here will get you to the excerpt or purchase pages. Don't forget to tell them that Dee sent you when you get there.
While I'm here, I also want to be sure to let you all know about a great series that I've recently had the opportunity and great fortune to read. L. Shannon writes about Tascryn Demons - think vampires - and I've read books one through three. THEY ARE FABULOUS! The latest book in the series in Walking at Sundown and is available now from Cobblestone Press. Do not let this series pass you up. The scenes are incredibly hot and leave you wanting for more. Let's see...there's a shower scene, a tub scene, menage, BDSM...I don't think there's anything she doesn't explore. While you can read Walking at Sundown by itself, I would highly recommend getting the two books before it: Walking with Synn and Walking in Memories. They are worth it!All of the links posted here will get you to the excerpt or purchase pages. Don't forget to tell them that Dee sent you when you get there.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
The March Dee Carney Writes Newsletter went out today. Those readers know a few things the rest of you don't know. Nyah nyah nyah! Use the links to the left to sign up. It's not too late!
This past Sunday, I attended my first ever "word war" with five other writers. For those of you who don't know what this means, basically for 30 minutes you write. For this particular group, we posted excerpts of what we managed to do in those 30 minutes. All of this was done via IM. Well, we started somewhere around 11 am and kept doing 30 minute increments until 10 pm that evening. I managed a total of 6502 words. To give you an idea of how much that is, I normally manage about 1000 words a DAY! So that was six days' worth in one! I will say that on Monday, I was drained and barely managed to squeak out 700 words. lol.
I'm toying with the idea of taking one of my less-popular stories and posting it for free on my web site. Who wouldn't want a free read? I'm still toying with the idea. What do you think?
This past Sunday, I attended my first ever "word war" with five other writers. For those of you who don't know what this means, basically for 30 minutes you write. For this particular group, we posted excerpts of what we managed to do in those 30 minutes. All of this was done via IM. Well, we started somewhere around 11 am and kept doing 30 minute increments until 10 pm that evening. I managed a total of 6502 words. To give you an idea of how much that is, I normally manage about 1000 words a DAY! So that was six days' worth in one! I will say that on Monday, I was drained and barely managed to squeak out 700 words. lol.
I'm toying with the idea of taking one of my less-popular stories and posting it for free on my web site. Who wouldn't want a free read? I'm still toying with the idea. What do you think?
Sunday, March 2, 2008
I love talking with authors. Although I have to give props to Mr. Carney for suggesting it first, they are really convincing me to write a sequel to Soldier. I've been throwing around some ideas in my head. I haven't fully developed it yet, but I can see that there might be a Soldier 2. I'll keep you informed.
I also decided to change Primal. It's now in a more contemporary setting - which has meant discarding most of what was written previously and starting over. I'm still thinking about making it a three part series, but I want to finish a rewrite for Trial of the Guardian and start Soldier 2 before going to book 2 of Primal.
A quick, unedited blurb for Primal: The Summoning... After being cursed by the island's obeah woman, Caelan's body becomes etched with an intricate tattooed design. Called by her brother to come to his friend's aid, Tara is reluctant to use her gift, afraid of the possible consequences. But between Tara's gift and Caelan's strength of will, the summoning can begin.
I also decided to change Primal. It's now in a more contemporary setting - which has meant discarding most of what was written previously and starting over. I'm still thinking about making it a three part series, but I want to finish a rewrite for Trial of the Guardian and start Soldier 2 before going to book 2 of Primal.
A quick, unedited blurb for Primal: The Summoning... After being cursed by the island's obeah woman, Caelan's body becomes etched with an intricate tattooed design. Called by her brother to come to his friend's aid, Tara is reluctant to use her gift, afraid of the possible consequences. But between Tara's gift and Caelan's strength of will, the summoning can begin.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How gorgeous is this?!
'Nuff said.
(Edited to add:) There was a last minute artist switch and this one is by Dan Skinner. Awesome!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
There's nothing like being published to make your self-esteem take a nose dive. Think about it. Before, I wrote for the fun of it. Now, I still write for the fun of it, but now I also have a purpose. I'm trying to get published again.
When I start to write there are these voices, see? They say things like "you suck!" or "go back to your day job!" or "even a broken clock is right twice a day!". *sigh* Nor does it help when you join a critique group. Don't get me wrong. I love the ladies with whom I'm trusting my work. It's just that after critiquing their stuff, I realize how much better theirs is! lol. (Did I mention those nagging voices?)
Fortunately, I don't seem to be alone in my self-doubt. Over on the Cobblestone Press forums and on the Romance Divas forums, there are threads dedicated to just such things. And I don't feel so lonely anymore.
If I can just find the volume control to the voices, I'll be all right.
When I start to write there are these voices, see? They say things like "you suck!" or "go back to your day job!" or "even a broken clock is right twice a day!". *sigh* Nor does it help when you join a critique group. Don't get me wrong. I love the ladies with whom I'm trusting my work. It's just that after critiquing their stuff, I realize how much better theirs is! lol. (Did I mention those nagging voices?)
Fortunately, I don't seem to be alone in my self-doubt. Over on the Cobblestone Press forums and on the Romance Divas forums, there are threads dedicated to just such things. And I don't feel so lonely anymore.
If I can just find the volume control to the voices, I'll be all right.
Friday, February 22, 2008
REJECTED. Great comments given to me about The Voice, but the publisher chose not to go with it at this time. I'm ok with that. It wasn't as well written as it could have been.
But today, I did finish Trial of the Guardian. I brought it down to 25,000 words instead of my intended 35K. I just didn't have much more to say. The ending is abrupt, but the story itself is incredibly sweet. I've submitted it to a critique group and hope to get some feedback on it before the weekend is out. If they give me the nod, I'll sub it.
This, of course, gives me time to think about Primal. I only have an inkling of an idea, but I'm sure if I keep that picture in front of me, I'll come up with more! *wink*
But today, I did finish Trial of the Guardian. I brought it down to 25,000 words instead of my intended 35K. I just didn't have much more to say. The ending is abrupt, but the story itself is incredibly sweet. I've submitted it to a critique group and hope to get some feedback on it before the weekend is out. If they give me the nod, I'll sub it.
This, of course, gives me time to think about Primal. I only have an inkling of an idea, but I'm sure if I keep that picture in front of me, I'll come up with more! *wink*
Monday, February 18, 2008
I'm stuck. 19,000 words into Trial of the Guardian and I'm bloody stuck. Unlike a lot of writers out there I don't plan what's going to happen in a story before I write it. Usually the characters let me know what's going to happen next by what they do in the previous scene. Right now though, I've given my hero, Hero (gawd, I love that name!), a dilemma without knowing why it's there; let's not even talk about how he's going to solve it. Any ideas for why a guardian angel would be permitted to fall in love with this charge? (And for you former Charmed fans out there, thanks, but no thanks. This is not fan fic.)
I have not forgotten about the picture entitled Primal down below. I mean, look at him - how could I forget that? I just need to get back on track with TOTG first. Then, I'm thinking three part series potentially called Primal. Still thinking about it.
My poor brain is going to start smoking from all of the plotting it needs to do!
I have not forgotten about the picture entitled Primal down below. I mean, look at him - how could I forget that? I just need to get back on track with TOTG first. Then, I'm thinking three part series potentially called Primal. Still thinking about it.
My poor brain is going to start smoking from all of the plotting it needs to do!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Just when I thought the hard part is over - I finished the revisions to Soldier a few days ago - I'm working with an artist for the cover. Leita Stevens is doing the cover art for Soldier. So far, she is capturing what I've imagined so well! As I emailed her tonight, I can't hardly wait to see the final product. In my writing, I try to allow the reader some room for their own imagination by choosing not to detail every little thing about my characters or their settings. Some people have liked that. I can say that it has done me a disservice when it comes to trying to describe to Leita what the cover should look like. I have so few details that she and I are making things up as we go along.
And I couldn't be happier.
And I couldn't be happier.
Monday, February 11, 2008

O. M. G.
I saw this picture over on the The Erotic Woman and haven't been able to get the image out of my mind. Hee hee. Actually, mostly I'm thinking about a great story to go with the tribal tat. In fact, it's one that I've already started and didn't know where to take it. It's 4:15 in the morning and ideas for this story keep running through my head. Thoughts of SERIES keep looping through my poor, sleep-deprived brain.
Damn. If this guy doesn't make you want to do something naughty, I don't know what will. Yum.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Slacker. Yes. I'll admit it. I've been slacking. For three nights in a row, I have done ZERO writing. (In defense of myself, two nights ago I did some last minute edits of my latest WIP.) On the CP forum, I'm reading about people who are doing 15K - 30K in a week. Ha! I've done 200 words, maybe, this week....
No. More.
Tonight, I begin writing again on Trial of the Guardian. It's a great story with no ending yet, but one that will find me sooner or later. Feel free to send me good vibes or cheer me on!
No. More.
Tonight, I begin writing again on Trial of the Guardian. It's a great story with no ending yet, but one that will find me sooner or later. Feel free to send me good vibes or cheer me on!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Whew! I've been a story-telling fool. Tonight I will finish my third Wicked story. I had promised to go back to working on TOTG, but got side-tracked by a story I just had to tell! Submissions open up in two days and I can't wait to send all three in. I never did finish A Beautiful Death and may perhaps come back to it later.
The cover for Soldier is coming along swimmingly. I can't wait to see the final in full color. We've also gone through the second round of edits for this story and after this, I have to tell you that I have mad respect for editors. I'm 'bout sick of Nicholas at this point. lol. Just kidding. He's too hot to be sick of!
I did decide to send out a newsletter with updates on my newest releases and contests. Use Yahoo groups on the panel to the left to join.
The cover for Soldier is coming along swimmingly. I can't wait to see the final in full color. We've also gone through the second round of edits for this story and after this, I have to tell you that I have mad respect for editors. I'm 'bout sick of Nicholas at this point. lol. Just kidding. He's too hot to be sick of!
I did decide to send out a newsletter with updates on my newest releases and contests. Use Yahoo groups on the panel to the left to join.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Where does the time go? As I had predicted, Career Opportunities was finished right on time with 5,312 words. Not once is the female MC described. Makes for an interesting story. As soon as I finished that one, I immediately began Dark Forest Nights for the Wicked line as well. This story is well, um, dark and has to do with anonymous sex. I plan on submitting both stories next week.
Speaking of the Wicked line, CP posted a new word -at least for me. They do not want to see a lot of things. One among them was "felching". You'll have to google that one for yourselves; it's not for the faint of heart, mind you! The post brought up a fabulously funny discussion about the types of things people find erotic in literature. To each their own is all I can say.
Speaking of the Wicked line, CP posted a new word -at least for me. They do not want to see a lot of things. One among them was "felching". You'll have to google that one for yourselves; it's not for the faint of heart, mind you! The post brought up a fabulously funny discussion about the types of things people find erotic in literature. To each their own is all I can say.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Four thousand words of sex is a lot of effin' sex. I mean, have you tried writing it? If you're keeping up with my WIP, you see that Career Opportunities, my latest Wicked attempt, is moving along rather quickly. CP has said that they expect about 80% sex and 20% plot for this line. Well, with my target of 5000 words...you do the math. I'm taking a break from working on it to do this post and currently have 3,622 words. I expect to be done this evening; at the latest, tomorrow. I didn't expect it to take as long as it has to finish. Once I'm done with this, I'll go back to Trial of the Guardian.
BTW, no news yet on The Voice. Hopefully within the next two weeks.
Is it just me or is time moving painfully slow this year?
BTW, no news yet on The Voice. Hopefully within the next two weeks.
Is it just me or is time moving painfully slow this year?
Friday, January 25, 2008
So many stories, so little time. I've come up with another idea for a Wicked submission. This one involves getting trapped in the elevator. Oh, the possibilities. Fortunately, the deadline for these stories isn't until the 14th of February. Since I'm not working this weekend, I'll once again try to crank out the rest of A Beautiful Death and now this one - which once again, lacks a name.
Trial of the Guardian is moving along swimmingly. One of the {ahem}scenes required some online research. Writing about the results of that research actually makes me want to try it out. A little, at least. Mr. Carney gave me a strange look when I told him though. haha!
And btw, I posted an excerpt from Soldier on my website. I'm also contemplating posting excerpts from Morgan Sierra stories on the site too. To get to them, you'll need to agree that you're older than 21. Don't go looking for them yet. I'm still tossing around the idea.
Trial of the Guardian is moving along swimmingly. One of the {ahem}
And btw, I posted an excerpt from Soldier on my website. I'm also contemplating posting excerpts from Morgan Sierra stories on the site too. To get to them, you'll need to agree that you're older than 21. Don't go looking for them yet. I'm still tossing around the idea.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Draft excerpt from Trial of the Guardian...
“Will you trust me?”
Rachel swallowed hard. Long before he asked, she had trusted him implicitly. The fact that he wanted her to verbally say so now should have been a warning. It was certainly sending off alarms in her mind. He was watching her with concern on his face but also there was something that told her he would never hurt her physically or emotionally. She could trust him. So slowly, reluctantly she nodded.
“Yes,” she whispered.
Hero let her see him reaching for the candle at the bedside. The wax was beginning to pool at the center and as he jostled its length, some of the wax ran down the sides. He brought the candle closer to Rachel now and her breath quickened in anticipation.
“Close your eyes, Rachel and don’t open them for any reason. Trust in me.”
Fighting back tears that were threatening to form under her closed lids, Rachel turned her head to the side and let out a long, shaky breath. This blind surrender to him was the hardest thing she had ever done in her life.
“Trust me,” he repeated.
Her breath was caught in her throat. All she could manage was another nod. Survival instinct was fighting for control, wanting her to pry open her eyes and demand to know what he had in mind. Her pleasure instinct was calmly curious. And that was enough for now.
“Will you trust me?”
Rachel swallowed hard. Long before he asked, she had trusted him implicitly. The fact that he wanted her to verbally say so now should have been a warning. It was certainly sending off alarms in her mind. He was watching her with concern on his face but also there was something that told her he would never hurt her physically or emotionally. She could trust him. So slowly, reluctantly she nodded.
“Yes,” she whispered.
Hero let her see him reaching for the candle at the bedside. The wax was beginning to pool at the center and as he jostled its length, some of the wax ran down the sides. He brought the candle closer to Rachel now and her breath quickened in anticipation.
“Close your eyes, Rachel and don’t open them for any reason. Trust in me.”
Fighting back tears that were threatening to form under her closed lids, Rachel turned her head to the side and let out a long, shaky breath. This blind surrender to him was the hardest thing she had ever done in her life.
“Trust me,” he repeated.
Her breath was caught in her throat. All she could manage was another nod. Survival instinct was fighting for control, wanting her to pry open her eyes and demand to know what he had in mind. Her pleasure instinct was calmly curious. And that was enough for now.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Wow. I've managed to kill my jump drive. I mean, I knew that was possible, but dang. Killed it? Oh well. DH is chastising me for not taking better care of my stuff, but all I can say is thank goodness for BACK UPs!
Anyhoo. Saw a forum thread on NaNo entitled You know you're writing romance when.... Well, one that is near and dear to my heart is "you know you're writing romance when there are 56 chapters in your novel and your mom thinks there are 53." If you don't get it, you're obviously not writing a romance. At least, not a sensual one!
Anyhoo. Saw a forum thread on NaNo entitled You know you're writing romance when.... Well, one that is near and dear to my heart is "you know you're writing romance when there are 56 chapters in your novel and your mom thinks there are 53." If you don't get it, you're obviously not writing a romance. At least, not a sensual one!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Were you wondering about A Beautiful Death? It's my contribution to the Wicked call for submissions by Cobblestone that is a few posts below. It was my plan to crank it out between today and tomorrow, but Trial of the Guardian has taken off (in my mind at least) and I've spent the day working on it.
Speaking of...I've decided to drop the "i" in Hiero and just make him plain ol' Hero. When I researched the name Hiero, I discovered it's Greek; for some reason, in my mind this now makes the pronunciation "hy-ro". As you know, I want "hee-ro". Now I just have to spend a little time thinking about whether or not this makes my MC a little too over-glamorized. I don't think so, but let me know what you think.
And good news! The Voice as printed by Lulu showed up today. It's gorgeous!! With certainty I know that every NaNo that I do in the future will result in a hard-bound copy.
I'll tell you what - 2008 is starting out to be a fantastic year.
Speaking of...I've decided to drop the "i" in Hiero and just make him plain ol' Hero. When I researched the name Hiero, I discovered it's Greek; for some reason, in my mind this now makes the pronunciation "hy-ro". As you know, I want "hee-ro". Now I just have to spend a little time thinking about whether or not this makes my MC a little too over-glamorized. I don't think so, but let me know what you think.
And good news! The Voice as printed by Lulu showed up today. It's gorgeous!! With certainty I know that every NaNo that I do in the future will result in a hard-bound copy.
I'll tell you what - 2008 is starting out to be a fantastic year.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Flight of the Guardian is now Trial of the Guardian.
After talking about it with a fellow writer last night, I really focused on how character-driven my stories have been. It's true that when I start a story, the only thing I know is who my characters are. Then, I slowly start having them do something and that something leads to another something and so on and so forth....I have no idea what the plot of the story is going to be other than to know that there will be a happily ever after at the very end. (At least, so far!)
Oh. Did I mention that I submitted The Voice to a publisher? A friend is reading it and she thinks it's good - and I trust her opinion. The hard copy that I ordered from LuLu will be arriving any day and I'm excited to see it!
After talking about it with a fellow writer last night, I really focused on how character-driven my stories have been. It's true that when I start a story, the only thing I know is who my characters are. Then, I slowly start having them do something and that something leads to another something and so on and so forth....I have no idea what the plot of the story is going to be other than to know that there will be a happily ever after at the very end. (At least, so far!)
Oh. Did I mention that I submitted The Voice to a publisher? A friend is reading it and she thinks it's good - and I trust her opinion. The hard copy that I ordered from LuLu will be arriving any day and I'm excited to see it!
Sunday, January 6, 2008

Length: 5 to 10k
Contest : January 2 – 19, 2008
Be wicked for us. We're looking for short story erotica with a very high level of sexual content within five to ten thousand words. HEA or romantic content not required. First and third person accepted (male or female POV).
First place winner will receive a standard contract, first publication slot for the Wicked Line and $100.
Other entries will be considered for publication.
Contest open to all authors currently unpublished with Cobblestone Press, LLC.
We are interested in the following genres: contemporary, historical, paranormal, BDSM, multicultural, science fiction, and fantasy.
Absolutely no fan fiction, forced seduction, rape, purple prose, pedophilia, incest, bodily functions, snuff, bestiality, and necrophilia.
Submissions should be sent to: submissions@cobblestone-press.com.
1. Use either Times New Roman or Courier New, 12pt. font
2. All paragraphs should be indented .5 (without tabs-preferred) Double Spaced
3. One inch margins
4. Attach the manuscript as an RTF file (no other format will be opened)Include a cover letter in the body of your email, please put WICKED CONTEST in the subject line
5. On the first page of your manuscript include in the upper left corner the following: Title of Manuscript, Word Count- Calculated by your word processor program, Genre (or Line), Full Name, Pen Name (if applicable), Mailing Address, Phone Number, and Email Address
*** Regular Submissions for this line will open February 14, 2008 ***
Yes - we've all seen the very cheesy cover art out there. Check out this person's site. Some of these are hilarious!
Friday, January 4, 2008
I have so much to learn...
Yesterday, Cobblestone announced it's list of new authors to the rest of the community and (yay!) I was there along with my story's title and genre. All this time I was under the assumption that I was writing paranormal. Well, paranormal-ish. Kind of. Truthfully, I really didn't know what to call it. They did. It's classified under urban fantasy. I actually had to go look up the other titles listed this way and you know what? They're right. Soldier is Urban Fantasy. I will be listed there with stories about dragons, angels and faeries. Cool, huh?
Yesterday, Cobblestone announced it's list of new authors to the rest of the community and (yay!) I was there along with my story's title and genre. All this time I was under the assumption that I was writing paranormal. Well, paranormal-ish. Kind of. Truthfully, I really didn't know what to call it. They did. It's classified under urban fantasy. I actually had to go look up the other titles listed this way and you know what? They're right. Soldier is Urban Fantasy. I will be listed there with stories about dragons, angels and faeries. Cool, huh?
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
There's nothing like being sick to make you want to do absolutely nothing. Add freezing weather to that and well, darn it, sweatpants and a comforter are about the only things that'll be getting any of my attention!
I suppose I'm really just trying to explain away why Flight of the Guardian is coming along so slowly. I skimmed an article someone wrote about "writer's block" and thought about that phenomenon. Is there really such a thing? NaNo proved to me that when pushed to the wall, I can crank out pages upon pages of stuff. (Not necessarily good stuff, but stuff nonetheless.) Why is it then that every time I start a new story, it's like pulling teeth? I know what I want to happen, but is it ever so painstakingly slow to get there.
C'est la vie.
I suppose I'm really just trying to explain away why Flight of the Guardian is coming along so slowly. I skimmed an article someone wrote about "writer's block" and thought about that phenomenon. Is there really such a thing? NaNo proved to me that when pushed to the wall, I can crank out pages upon pages of stuff. (Not necessarily good stuff, but stuff nonetheless.) Why is it then that every time I start a new story, it's like pulling teeth? I know what I want to happen, but is it ever so painstakingly slow to get there.
C'est la vie.
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